Monday, January 19, 2009

The Opening To An End...

Today we'll part,
never knowing whether we would ever meet again;
I wonder how will I leave u,
with this heart full lof pain..
Would there be a smile on my face,
or would I shower tears like rain?
But if there's a bond between our hearts,
then we'd surely meet again..
And I wonder how would I greet you,
going down the memory lane?
Would there be a smile on my face,
or would I shower tears like rain...!?


(one of my v first trials at poetry! but this is a thought, more than a poem !)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


As the sun sets today,
and the night celebrates,
I pray that the morning tomorrow
brings you happiness in crates!

Its gonna be a new year
Its gonna be a fresh start
with more of those moments
to cherish forever from the heart...

Its the time to say goodbye
and to make new resolutions;
A time to say thanks
and also to make some confessions..

Yes, confessions, what you've
always wanted to say,
instead of carrying those negatives
put 'em here to slay !

So that you're ready
better than ever before;
so that you're stonger
to walk in through the new doors..

May the Almighty,
on you bestow his care,
and for me - the sense
that you'll be always there... !

31st Dec., '08